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FCTA Building Approvals Procedure Being Revamped

Posted by admin on June 23, 2023

The Department of Development Control under the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) has recently initiated new measures to enhance the process of building approvals and monitoring conducted by its officials.

In an effort to address the prolonged waiting period often experienced in obtaining building plan approvals, the Director of the Department of Development Control, Mukhtar Galadima, emphasized the need for change. He expressed that the era of enduring months, and sometimes even years, to secure building plan approvals would no longer be tolerated.

During a workshop organized in Abuja to train the department’s staff on Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Galadima stressed that building plan approvals should be granted within a maximum of 90 days. He highlighted that Nigeria’s Urban and Regional Planning laws mandate the provision of approvals to applicants within this three-month timeframe.

Galadima further explained that the failure to grant approvals within the stipulated period would imply consent, acceptance, and approval. Consequently, applicants would be entitled to commence their development projects as per their original applications. Galadima urged all participants to consistently adhere to the guidelines of urban planning, thereby contributing to the improvement of the Federal Capital Territory.

During the one-day workshop, Dr. Jumai Ahmadu, the Director of the Department of Reform Coordination and Service Improvement, served as a special guest. She announced that the FCT Administration would soon initiate the implementation of a performance management system. This would entail transitioning work processes to digital platforms, with staff members being held accountable for their assigned responsibilities.

Ahmadu declared that the previous Annual Performance Evaluation Report (APER) system, which often involved merely filling out and signing forms, would be replaced by a digital civil service approach. The focus would be on digitalizing administrative processes and ensuring that civil servants fulfill their duties according to their designated schedules.

Moreover, Ahmadu underscored the importance of certain factors in promoting efficient and improved service delivery. These factors included enhancing staff welfare and fostering a healthy working environment. She emphasized the necessity of providing employees with adequate tools and a conducive workspace to maximize their performance.

Dr. Mohammed Zayyanu, an Assistant Director in charge of Vetting within the Department of Development Control, served as a resource person during the workshop. He outlined several advantages associated with the adoption of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), such as the elimination of errors, increased productivity, and the maintenance of a structured workflow.

By implementing these measures and embracing digitalization, the Department of Development Control aims to streamline the building approval process, enhance service delivery, and improve the overall efficiency of operations.

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